Game Design Document
(also available as a PDF download, just in case).

Hi! Umbra is a simple game about solving puzzles with shadows. The idea was to draw simple forms with shadows projected by blocks that the user controls, heavily inspired by "shadow art" from artists like Vincent Bal and Kimi Yamashitas (check them out!!). The prototype is really simple and has some flaws, but I tried to prove the concept above anything else, it was made in a couple days as a really really late entry. Eveything was made from scratch by me, from code, to art, models, texture and sound effects.
I hope you like it! Any feedbacks are really welcome and thank you for your time <3.


[GDD] Umbra.pdf 2.2 MB


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Bem legal a demo, mas a movimentação das peças é meio ruim, no sentido de que elas clipam muito fácil entre si e com a mesa. Elas também podem ser jogadas p fora do mapa, uma forma bem simples de previnir isso é fazer um cubo ao redor da área jogável e se uma peça sair dele mover de volta para uma posição inicial. Mas bem interessate o conceito do jogo❤️